Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"Obama Clinches Nomination;First Black Candidate to Lead Major Party Ticket"

Jeff Zeleny of the New York Times wrote “Obama Clinches Nomination; First Black Candidate to Lead Major Party Ticket.” This article announced Barack Obama’s successful attainment of the Democratic presidential nomination. Despite Obama’s nomination, Hilary Clinton has not dropped out of the race and has even admitted to accepting a vice presidential nomination on the Democratic ticket. As the title of this article indicates, Barack Obama’s nomination for President is a historic moment: this nomination signals how far the United States has come in concerns of racism. Only with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was legislation finally enacted to end institutionalized racism (I.e. segregation) and enforce equal rights for any person, despite color. Most importantly, Obama’s nomination for President shows how quickly minorities went from second class citizens to future leaders of the United States.

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