Monday, June 23, 2008

Comment #1

I do not agree with the stance taken in this blog, "Universal Healthcare: Yes or No?". Yes, taxes are not enjoyable and neither are malpractice suits, but should universal healthcare hinge upon factors such as these?! People need access to healthcare and if they, like so many in the U.S., are unable to receive it, longstanding complications arise. So many people have health problems that could have been prevented had they had access to medical care.

One argument in particular was disturbing i.e. the "lack" of personal freedom on the part of doctors choosing private practices. If someone chooses to become a doctor, it should be to help people not to profit off of their problems... Besides if this was their intention, a field like cosmetic surgery would probably be a better fit.I doubt cosmetic surgery will be part of universal healthcare so no need to worry about a lack of profiteering.

The arguments made in "Universal Healthcare: Yes or No?" fail to convince me that this program is unnecessary or undesirable. Although well organized, this blog is superficial and lacks real data to support the author's assertions.

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